Novena al Espríritu Santo

Author and/or Editor:

Ligorio, San Alfonso de

Price: 15 MXN

Point of Sale: Iglesia De La Santísima Trinidad

Publisher: Librería Gerardo Mayela

Pagination: 64 p.

Dimensions: 10.7 x 15.8 cm.

Illustrations: yes

Place of Publication: México, D. F.


Novena* book. In the "Presentación" section, Manuel García Blanco writes that "the novena of the Holy Spirit is the prototype of all novenas." The novena was created by San Alfonso de Ligorio, an italian bishop, and the prayers center in invoking religious values attributed to the Holy Spirit: "Don de Sabiduría" (Gift of Wisdom) "Don de Entendimiento" (Gift of Understanding) "Don de Fortaleza" (Gift of Fortitude) "Don de Consejo" (Gift of Advice) "Don de Ciencia" (Gift of Knowledge) "Don de Piedad" (Gift of Mercy) "Don de Temor de Dios" (Gift of Fear of God) (*)Novenas are a very popular devotion in Mexico and Latin America in general. They consist of prayers said nine successive days, reciting the rosary. People usually gather in a neighbour's house, and the host reads the prayers from a novena booklet, which works both as guide for the steps to follow and as a prayers book. There are several types of novenas and types of requests associated to a religious character or topic in each booklet.