Novena: San Martín Caballero

Price: 15 MXN

Point of Sale: Iglesia De La Santísima Trinidad

Publisher: Casa Azpeitia

Pagination: 16 p.

Dimensions: 8.15 x 10.8 cm.

Place of Publication: Guadalajara, México


Novena* booklet. This novena contains nine sets of prayers; each set starts with an episode in the life of San Martín Caballero, featuring each event as a religious example; this follows with reflections that generally center in the idea of virtue. --- (*) Novenas are a very popular devotion in Mexico and Latin America in general. They consist of prayers said nine successive days, reciting the rosary. People usually gather in a neighbour's house, and the host reads the prayers from a novena booklet, which works both as guide for the steps to follow and as a prayers book. There are several types of novenas and types of requests associated to a religious character or topic in each booklet.